
ミス・ラヴェル・ホワイトに救いの手を!  ブルース

Miss Lavelle White



しかし、目立った財産もなく、高齢のためツアーにも出られない状況であり、受け取れる年金の額も非常に少ないといいます。危機的な状況から彼女を救うため、サラ・ブラウン、ルーシー・フォスターら彼女の友人達が非営利団体HOME(Housing Opportunities for Musicians and Entertainers)を立ち上げ、救済に乗り出しました。


P.O. Box 2629,Austin, TX 78768


Appreciation of TEXAS WOMEN IN MUSIC Project


LAVELLE needs your help, Everyone.
Dear Friends, We are writing to you about a situation that is becoming far too frequent, a friend in need with nowhere to turn. We all know people who have just slipped through the cracks and Miss Lavelle White, an international music icon is one of them.
Lavelle has had a career singing, writing music and touring the world, bringing joy and happiness to music lovers everywhere. Now at 83, she needs our help.
Earlier this year she was invited to move to Louisiana to be with her cousin, who unfortunately recently passed away. She moved back to Austin with only a few possessions in storage and basically nothing else. She still performs when she can, but the demand for her style of music is limited locally and she cannot tour. Her SSI money is very low. We are working on trying to improve it.
A group of concerned women have formed a non-profit corporation to assist Lavelle with her rent.
We have found a lovely low income location for her. Perhaps in the future we can help other elderly musicians with their housing issues. We have selected the name “Housing Opportunities for Musicians and Entertainers” or HOME.
We are asking you to donate to HOME to join us in assisting Miss Lavelle with her rent and possibly other expenses. Your generosity will not be forgotten.

PayPal: send your donation to homeformusicians@gmail.com.
-Or- you can make your check to HOME and mail it to:
P.O. Box 2629
Austin, TX 78768
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts…
Susan Antone Deb Fleming
Sarah Brown Nancy Coplin
Marcia Ball Nancy Fly
Carolyn Wonderland Denise Boudreaux
Ruthie Foster Shelley King
On behalf
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